

Propane tank owners who store their tanks have two options. They can either store their tank aboveground or underground.

For homeowners in Chester County, PA, we suggest storing your tank underground.

To help you see why you should store your propane tank underground, we are providing you with a list describing 7 benefits of underground propane tanks.

1. They Are Landscape Friendly

One benefit of having an underground propane tank is that it won’t mess up the lawn of your house. This is because underground propane tanks are buried underground and thus, do not affect the aboveground lawn for very long.

At most, you will need to plant a little bit of new grass. Otherwise, your lawn will essentially go back to the way it was before you had the propane tank installed.

2. They Are Safe

Because underground propane tanks are not exposed to the elements of the outside world, they are less likely to have a leak than aboveground tanks. As a result, underground propane tanks are safer in the long run.

Besides, if for some reason there is a gas leak in an underground propane tank, the gas will stay within the soil underneath the ground. This is great news since underground propane tanks use clean fuel. This ensures that the fuel will not harm the local water or soil.

Underground propane tanks are also safer than aboveground propane tanks because they are sealed underground. Therefore, the fuel cannot escape into the air and cause a fire. In fact, the installation of any underground propane tank meets the National Fire Protection Association standards.

3. They Increase Your Home’s Value

Underground propane tanks are not visible to people looking out at your home, nor do they mess up the lawn. Therefore, in terms of homes with propane tanks, underground propane tanks increase the value of homes. This is especially true since most people want to buy houses with underground propane tanks.

Thus, even though your propane tank budget has to be higher to purchase an underground propane tank, you will save money in the long run.

4. They Require Little to No Installation and Maintenance Work From You

Having an underground propane tank makes life easy on you as a homeowner.

This is because the retailer that sold you the tank will send out technicians and professionals to handle all the installation and maintenance work on the tank over the course of the entire tank’s life.

This means that you barely have to lift a finger when it comes to your underground propane tank.

This is unlike the installation and maintenance process of an aboveground propane tank in which you would have to perform some administrative tasks for the propane tank company prior to them installing the tank at your home.

For example, you would have to get all the necessary permits ahead of time. You would also have to make any necessary arrangements and conduct all safety checks prior to the excavation part of the installation process. 

Another administrative task that you would have to do prior to the installation of an aboveground propane tank is to measure the distance of space between where the expecting propane tank will be and everything else.

You must do this to make sure that you are meeting all the propane tank distancing requirement rules.

If your home has a septic tank, you may also need to have your septic company dig a hole for your underground propane tank to go into.

Not contacting your septic company prior to having an underground installation tank installed could cause the propane delivery equipment to run over the septic tank. This could cause costly damages to your home. 

5. They Do Not Take Long to Install

The installation time for an underground propane tank is only 3 -4 hours. This is not a long time at all to install propane tanks.

The fact that you do not have to physically help install the underground propane tank during those 3 -4 hours makes the installation time past by even quicker. 

6. They Are In a Temperature Environment That Makes Them Function Better

Being underground allows underground propane tanks to function at a high level even in the winter. This is because the earth warms underground propane tanks up during the wintertime. This is unlike aboveground propane tanks that have to learn how to function while being exposed to the elements of freezing winters.

7. They Are Eco-Friendly

Because underground propane tanks use clean, green fuel, underground propane tanks are better for the environment than aboveground propane tanks. Therefore, you do not have to feel guilty about digging through the ground to put your propane tank in it. 

Kauffman Gas is Here For You

Now that you know some of the top benefits of using underground propane tanks, the final decision is up to you. Here at Kauffman Gas, we install both aboveground and underground propane tanks. With Chester County, PA being one of the many locations that we serve, we are here to meet all your propane tank needs.

To learn more about the services that we provide here at Kauffman Gas, contact us today.