
How do you know when you need to switch providers?

Your propane company that you’ve trusted for years just isn’t the same anymore.

Jake is no longer delivering your gas—it’s a different person every time now.

When you called last week to ask about a new fee on your bill, you got stuck in an automated phone tree for 10 minutes. When someone finally answered the phone, they didn’t know who you were.

You’ve been a loyal customer for years, but now you’re just a name on an account.

What happened?

The Silent Takeover

The propane industry has witnessed a growing trend of small, family-owned propane companies being acquired by larger corporations.

While these acquisitions might not make headlines, they leave a trail of changes that discerning customers can’t help but notice.

While it may not seem like a big deal at first, there are several telltale signs that can help you do your research and recognize when your trusted propane provider is no longer what it used to be.

Service Changes for the Worse

One of the first signs that your propane company has been bought out is a decline in the quality of service.

Family-owned propane businesses pride themselves on their personalized service and close relationships with their customers. When a larger corporation takes over, these values may take a back seat to profit margins and cost-cutting measures.

Many acquisitions come with big promises to customers for “more competitive pricing” and then slap on hidden “compliance” or “premium” service fees while delivering mediocre service.

You might notice…

Decline in Customer Service: You used to know the name of the person who delivered your propane. Now, you’re just another account number.

Delayed Response Times: When you have an issue or question, you find yourself stuck in an automated phone tree waiting for a response, and when you do get one, it’s often less helpful.

Inconsistent & Inflexible Deliveries: Your propane deliveries were once reliable like clockwork, but now you experience unexpected delays and irregular schedules. Customized delivery schedules that once accommodated your needs are now replaced with rigid delivery windows.

Hidden Fees: Suddenly, your bills start to include mysterious fees or charges that were never there before—these are those “compliance” or “premium” service fees we mentioned earlier.

Warning Signs to Look Out For

Apart from service deterioration, there are other warning signs that your family-owned propane company has been bought out.

Rebranding: A change in the company name or logo is a clear indicator of an acquisition. This is often an attempt to align the company with the parent corporation’s brand.

Increases in Automation Usage: If your company quickly initiates increases in automation at the expense of good customer service, this could be a sign of a large-scale change in the company. Examples of this are automated phone responses, a new online billing platform, and constant login requirements to access documentation.

Reduction in Local Presence: Family-owned propane companies are typically deeply embedded in their local communities. A shift towards a more corporate approach may result in reduced community involvement and support.

Dwindling Reputation: As online reviews and word-of-mouth discussions turn negative, it’s often a sign that other customers are experiencing the same issues.

Steps for Switching Propane Providers

If your company got bought, and you’re unhappy with the new level of service, it might be time to make the switch to a new provider.

We understand that switching propane providers can feel like an inconvenience. 

But the peace of mind that comes with reliable propane deliveries, responsive customer service, and a company that values you as more than just an account number is worth its weight in gold.

Here’s what to do when considering a switch:

Get the Story: If you notice any of the warning signs listed above, call your current company and get the story behind the changes. You want to make informed decisions about your propane provider moving forward.

Research, Research, Research: Take the time to research potential propane providers in your area. Look for companies with a solid reputation, a history of reliability, and a commitment to customer service.

Ask for Recommendations: Seek recommendations from friends, neighbors, or local community groups. Their experiences can provide valuable insights.

Customer Reviews: Read online reviews and testimonials from current and former customers. This can give you a sense of what to expect from a potential propane provider.

Check Service Agreements: Review service agreements carefully. Ensure they align with your needs and expectations regarding delivery schedules, fees, and support.

Request Pricing: Contact the propane companies you’re interested in and request pricing-per-gallon and pricing for any additional services you’ll need. 

Consider the Transition: Switching propane providers may involve scheduling challenges, but planning ahead can minimize disruptions. Coordinate with your new provider to ensure a smooth transition.

NOTE: The right propane company will happily guide you through the switch and minimize any transitional inconveniences. Pay attention to the company’s responsiveness and willingness to answer your questions.

Don’t Let Big Industry Propane Companies Leave You Out in the Cold!

The comfort of your home and the reliability of your propane service should be a top priority, even if it means making a change. 

Don’t let big industry propane companies reel you in with big promises and then leave you out in the cold.

Read our 250+ Google reviews and let Kauffman Gas, your trusted, local, and family-owned propane company, give you the personalized service you deserve.

You deserve nothing less than the best service possible.

Switch now, and we’ll give you Gallon-for-Gallon Credit on the propane you’ve already paid for from your current provider!