
Be Prepared to Switch the Thermostat to Heat

It’ll happen in the middle of the night. You won’t even notice till you’re reaching for the third blanket half asleep. It’s freezing! But wasn’t it just summer? It can’t be winter already, can it?

You scurry to the thermostat to flip it from cool to heat. There’s a slight hum, a bang, then… nothing.

Hopefully, you have more blankets. Hopefully, you can get the furnace fixed tomorrow.

Benefits of proactive furnace maintenance

Ensuring your propane furnace is checked before winter guarantees that it is operating at its best. Over time, dust, debris, and normal wear and tear slow down operational effectiveness and can turn your home into a nightmare of discomfort, extra expenses, and danger.

A heating system in optimal condition prior to that winter storm rolling in ensures…

Quick service: Most homeowners wait. When mid-to-late fall rolls around, you’ll have to compete for an appointment. We’ve seen it before. When that first brutal northeastern storm hits and fifteen furnaces crack under the pressure, it can be days before there’s enough manpower to get all the repair and replacement jobs done across Lancaster County. Get it done before the busy season.

Enhanced energy efficiency: Clean and updated parts and optimal airflow results in less fuel consumption and quicker house-wide heating when the snow begins to fall.

Cost savings: Routine maintenance may appear as an additional expense at first. However, the monthly gas and electric bill savings, along with avoiding that emergency service in the dead of winter, will be well worth a yearly check-up. Many furnace manufacturers also require regular professional maintenance for warranty validity.

Addressing safety concerns: By identifying minor issues such as loose wires, faulty sensors, or worn components, you can prevent them from developing into major, and potentially dangerous, malfunctions.

Tip: Always be aware of any persistent or strong odors, such as burning rotten eggs—these could be a sign of a gas leak.

Don’t wait until you’re curled up under three different blankets.

Now is the time to be proactive and get your furnace check-up. Ensure your home is cozy this winter after you flip your thermostat from cool to heat.

During our visit, Kauffman Gas will…

  • perform a 20-point furnace inspection
  • check all safety and operating controls
  • check the blower, heat exchanger, ignitor, burners, and intake or exhaust venting
  • test for carbon monoxide
  • adjust system for optimal performance and efficiency using precision equipment
  • all parts will be billed separately

Don’t leave yourself to freeze when you remember the heat setting exists on your thermostat.

Book your check-up with Kauffman Gas before the weather turns.